Monday, February 18, 2008

Ben's tooth

Ben's Tooth Ben finally lost his first tooth. He was so excited when it got loose, everyday he kept asking us if we could tie a string around his tooth and a door and then slam it but Bryan told him that he had to wait till it got looser. So the other day he came home from school wiggling his tooth saying it was ready so when Bryan got home he tied a piece of thread around his tooth and yanked. Out it came. Ben said it hurt a little but not much at all so we told him he had to put his tooth under his pillow and the tooth fairy would come and visit. So he put his tooth under the pillow and obviosly the toothfairy came when he woke up the next morning he put his hand under his pillow and was afraid that his tooth fell down to the floor since he couldnt feel it so he moved his pillow and there was a 1 dollar bill he was so excited he came running into our room to show us what the tooth fairy brought. I will have to post a pic when I get them down loaded he looks so cute.

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