Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So I believe it is time to update my blog, I have been really bad lately. The kids have started school. Ben is in 2nd greade and loving it, Bug is in K, and Brianna is in preschool.

Ben had his 8th birthday and was baptized, I was really happy that most of or family came to the baptizm. Ben as so excited for it to happen. He was grinning ear to ear.

Since Bens birthday he ha also started cb scouts, he has really enjoyed going to that. In Feb we had the pine wood derby even thogh he didnt do to much in making it he got to paint it, he picked the color and everything. He had a blast racing it.

Bug also has had a birthday, she is now 6 yrs old. Cant believe how fast time goes, it seems jst like yesterday that she was a tiny little baby in my arms.

Brianna as i stated is in preschool this yr and she really likes to go. She goes 2 days a week and she gets to go on a lot of n field trips. Her most recent one was to the fire station. It was really neat to go there and see all the cool trucks they have there. Ben and Taylor were pretty sad that they didnt get to go. I will probably take them one of these days.

Talylor and Brianna are both in dance and they both love it. I love watching Brianna walk around with her hands on her hips like her teacher.