Sunday, June 8, 2008


Brianna lately has had a love of shoes she is always asking to put her shoes on. If she sees any type of shoes or socks she is putting them on. Everyday she is getting more of a personality it is so fun to watch. She is definitly letting you know that she is a big girl, she wants to walk everywhere instead of being carried and she wants to use the potty. Brianna is also now in a BIG girl bed. We ended up moving Ben downstairs (finally) and put Taylor on the top bunk and Brianna in the bottom bunk. She absolulty loves it.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


So Little Miss Taylor has been in dance since Aug and she has enjoyed very bit of it. So today we got to see her dance recital and see all that she has learned this yr and she did so good. She did 2 dances 1 was to itsy bitsy spider and the 2nd was old McDonald. her class seemed to know the dances pretty well were other kids didnt know them as well. Here are some pics of her in her recital outfit.

Last day of school

Bens last day of school was May 30. For his last day the kindergarteners put on a little program. They sang songs and then afterwards they had an ice cream social. It was alot of fun. Ben is now a big 1st grader he had to tell everyone that he was in 1st grade it was so cute.