Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Whats going on in my life

So after my dear friend asked me what was goin on in my life I decided I better post. (Thanks Elizabeth=))
Actually nothing much has really been going on. I go and play volleyball mon, wed and Fri it is really fun. Last week I didnt feel very well and the week before that we had pink eye. It was horrible. Then Brianna ended up with cold sores and Bryan was also sick. I hope and pray that we are all better now.
Taylor is still doing dance and she will be having her recital on June 6 I am so excited to see how well she does. I need to decide what to sign her up for next yr. She ill either do Jazz 1 or beginning ballet, not quite sure yet. We are waiting for K registration. we will be asking for the afternoon class because I just think it will be easier.
We signed Ben up for baseball again, and cant ait for it to start. I need the warmer weather. I am so sick of it being cold here.
One day i ill get Brianna potty trained. She decided she did not want to do it so she just quit She loves Dora so I am tryin to bribe her with a Dora DVD but who knows. Today I asked her when she was going to start going on the potty again and she said never. One day I will get her.
Spring break is coming up and the kids will be going down to UT to visit thier Granny and Papa. They will be there a few days the I will meet my mom in Wendover to get the kids. It will definitly be different with 2 kids gone. I plan on orking ith Brianna those days that they are gone but we will see what happens.


buildingburkmemories said...

So this is what you have been up to lately....it doesn't sound like to much fun....I hope you are all better as well. So you haven't had spring break yet?...we just had ours last week...it went fast and we didn't do anything but hang out...I loved it.So another recital coming up huh, how fun...what is the theme that they are doing? So Brianna is still not potty training huh....what a bummer....I'm sure she will start soon again....Logan is almost potty trained...he just started doing it and loves doing it we got big boy under wear for him and he loves them.....He will potty just a little in them as he is running to the bathroom but that is all...so it is getting better...he has the pooping thing down and always goes in the toilet so that is nice...i don't have to clean that up anymore...so I hope that it will continue to stay...he is like mercedi was when it comes to potty training so that is a nice thing...Mikayla was the hard one. So the kids are going to go to grand and gramps huh...well that will be nice for you and Brianna...do some catching up. well thanks for posting and hope to see more fun things going on for you over that away.

buildingburkmemories said...

Ok so your blog is almost a month old...you better be posting here soon you know.